Saturday, January 31, 2009

First Goes First

One of the reasons I had for starting this blog was so that I could put in writing the tales of all my tattoos.  We all know that the best place to start is at the beginning, so here goes!

My first tat was this rose with the tribal art that is located on my lower back.  I got this on my 18th birthday (8-3-01). The pic's a little fuzzy because I took it with my phone. About 2 or 3 years prior to this, my daddy got his first tattoo.  It was this exact rose.  I fell in love with it the minute I saw it, and decided then and there that I would have one too some day.  So, this tat is special to me because my daddy has it too, and because it was my first.  And if you're wondering, yes, I did cry, but not because it hurt.  I was so excited when we went.  I had picked it out, paid for it and waited my turn, and right before he took me back to do it, he said he wanted to step out and smoke a cigarette first.  Humph! So I teared up then just because I was so anxious to get this thing going! I won't lie though, it DID hurt when I was getting it.  I could not see what was going on since it was behind my back, and I had never seen anyone get one before, so I was not sure what to expect.  It took about 45 minutes, and I absolutely loved it! I was ready for another as soon as I walking out the door.  And the rest, as they say, is history!  

Since it is in the picture, I will go ahead and tell you about my name.  It was not my next tat- it was my third.  I think the reason behind it is self-explanatory! I got it on election night (Nov) 2002.  It was a pretty random night! My best friend and I decided to go to a watch party for the election results in Little Rock, and detoured through Hot Springs.  I had wanted to get my name as a tattoo for several months and I almost didn't get to that night because the shop was closing.  Luckily they went ahead and did it since it was so short and sweet.  The guy actually asked me if it was my girlfriend's name and I almost said yes just to embarrass my friend.  As you may or may not know, you typically are supposed to take the dressing off of a new tattoo after it has been able to bleed out about an hour, and then wash it.  Well, remember, we were heading to Little Rock? Right...well I had to try to wash my lower back in a public bathroom at the place where we went, and of course my friend had to help me so that I didn't make a huge mess.  Of course someone walked in on us.  Who knows what that person went home thinking that night! Anyway, I've always argued that now if I ever die without my id with me, someone will at least know my first name, so the police or doctors will have a clue! I know, I'm crazy...

So there's #1 and #3.  Only ten more to go! (Until I get more...hahaha!)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Orange Hair?

Would you guys look at me funny if I chose to go to work tomorrow with orange hair? Don't be surprised if I ever do.  But this morning, Gunner decided he wanted orange hair for school.  Who am I to tell him NO? (Well, I guess I am his Mom and I can say no if I wanted, but I really didn't care, I thought it was pretty cool!) So, I fixed his hair. And I thought he looked rad.  Man, wouldn't it be cool to only have the cares of a 3 year old again for even just a day. My preference would be red though!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This Mama's first blog.

So, here I am. Apparently, you're not really living if you're not blogging about your life, so I just had to join the land of the bloggers. After talking to one of my dearest friends the other day, she assured me I had plenty to talk about since I have a million children. Since then I have stumbled across a few other things I could bore, I mean, entertain you with, so like I said: here I am! I am doing this post on my phone so it is minus any clever pictures or fun things like that. Heck, I don't even know what this will look like on a computer! So this will wrap up this first post until I can "snazz"this thing up a little bit!